Skill-based Hiring, Harvard Business School and the Future of Learning

DigiKompetenz Podcast Episode 21

mit Joseph Fuller

Our guest in this episode of #digikompetenzpodcast is Professor Dr. Joseph Fuller. Joseph Fuller is Professor for Management Practice and Co-Director of Managing the Future of Work Project at Harvard Business School.

In this truly inspiring and future-oriented conversation, Joseph Fuller gives us deep insights into his recently completed research on the future of work, C-level executives, and skill-based hiring and what this means for the future of learning and the management of companies all over the world. The pace of technology and change is so rapid that the formal education system is unlikely be able to keep up with all its nuances. Consequently, future companies will be responsible for providing specific training and retraining. And it requires HR to earn their seat at the strategic table by implementing and steering this ongoing strategic process.

From the increasing importance of social skills in hiring and the anticipation of company strategy-based reskilling needs in up to 3 years, via the linking of personnel files to performance management systems data via artificial intelligence to learning and development for associates in anticipation of them leaving to get better paid positions and leading universities such as Harvard providing world-class courses such as CS50: introduction to computer science to be taught remotely at other top universities, such as Yale. One thing is for sure: investing in people based on personnel file and performance is better than fighting for talent on the market.

If you would like to know why, in addition to being a renowned researcher on management practice, the future of work and skill-based hiring, Joseph Fuller is also a very experienced grocery shopper, why Harvard is his “family business”, why he has an excellent relationship with the mayor of the town he lives in and why finding out his secrets could possibly be a very dangerous venture 😊 – then listen in!

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